Fri, 13 Nov 2009, 5:43am When to use pet scrolls »
Registered: Sep, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 06 Nov 2013
Posts: 293

dorkfish wrote:

LordDaemon wrote:

I only have a theory about this. Scrolling a pet at a lower level, to get one stat higher then another, might set up the pet to choose that stat as a preferred stat to add points to.
I will try to do some testing to see if this theory works or not. If anyone else would also do some testing on this theory and post results, it would be greatly appreciated.

"your theory"? LOL its common knowledge of the game if have been playing long enough, learn more about the game before you "think" you found something new out

Ignorance is bliss, and you are quite that.

I may have stated something very similar to what you posted, but still said it differently. Scrolling a pet at a lower level may work to set up that pets preferred stat and therefore use less scrolls to make the adjustment.

You mentioned in your 1st post here that scrolling at certain levels, but make no reference to whether or not you are talking about lower levels or not.

Before you light your little flame thrower and start to flame, think.
