Fri, 13 Nov 2009, 12:47am When to use pet scrolls »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
Posts: 348

There is one other variable that may affect how you want to train your pets. I have several characters, but four main ones. About three times now I have captured matching pets (monster and element) for each of the characters. The stats had small variances of course. After training these pets for 20 levels or more I started to see a trend. The pets gained stats differently. Almost atuned to the char.

The only pets I have right now are my earth Panda's. I have two that are the same level (38).

Fast Water Mage's pet panda. (rarely attacks, mostly support)
ATK: 115 STR: 27
DEF: 202 CON: 53
MAT: 105 INT: 26
MDF: 139 WIS: 25
SPD: 120 AGI: 33
TOTALS:681 164

Med speed Earth Fighter's panda (very little support, always attacking)
ATK: 141 STR: 37
DEF: 186 CON: 50
MAT: 111 INT: 29
MDF: 132 WIS: 22
SPD: 108 AGI: 26
TOTALS:678 164

Unfortunately I haven't been tracking this on all my pets, so it is very much just a theory.


Level 156 fire
90% of the laws are made because of 10% of the people.
