Sat, 10 Oct 2009, 1:02pm Instance Function FAQ »
Registered: Sep, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 07 May 2017
Posts: 162

philidor wrote:

The fire bosses have hot fire attack so I'd think disposing of them first would be a priority, then the Earths, then Waters (because of freeze), and then Wind since Wind doesn't use hot fire or stuns (I'm talking about the Alexander instance).

I think different because most of the wlo community are warriors.
Warriors are mostly all str no int.
So they have no resistance to seals.
So if you wanna be terra'd for 3 rounds, (which will be more effective to the waters which will not be able to revive your ass, if they are terra'd or overkilled by the earths)
and have the rest of your team die slowly... keep killin those fires first, lol...
Each party should have a water in it anyway.. at least a fast one (that can seal)
unless you're around +30 levels higher than the instance you are in..
Fires are classed as the attributes who give the most dmg, so as i said, best to kill the earths first so waters can save your asses...

The waters are the next priority to kill as if they are hot fired by the fires (or not) they can do serious damage to you fire killers..
If theres no earth mobs to kill, best to seal the waters..

