Sat, 08 Aug 2009, 12:01am Opening of WLOPH? (RUMOR ONLY) lol i can't believe »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 07 Feb 2018
Posts: 140

Alxyz wrote:

Ah, I say one sentence and half community tries to set me on fire.
I didn't say I hate hese poeple, I just hate the ones that have a crab mentality of thinking. And it happens that most of these people are from the Filipines.

I agree withhe crab mentality of things -.- Which would mean there is alot of growing up some ppl need to do. But I have found many ppl from many countries to be awesome ^.^ Just cos a few from one nationality ruin it, don't tar the whole race of ppl with one brush. There is good and bad in all cultures
