Fri, 07 Aug 2009, 4:36pm Opening of WLOPH? (RUMOR ONLY) lol i can't believe »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 21 Aug 2009
Posts: 24

hey! respect! dun be racist, racism is one of the things that make good ppl go away, think of this if u don't like ppl from z,x or y country, easy! leave the game, those ppl have is own native lenguage and many times they speak his own lenaguage and every one makes the same, ppl from Brasil, Latin America, North America, Greolandia, Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany.... and that is the coolest thing on the game cuz we can be brothers no matter what(some of that countries were enemys in the past, but now we can live at peace (i think) and we can be a brotherhood) remember that diversity makes much more rich the game

and if u dun understand a simply word learn or ask

guima hiza oyin naxti paxtli

nein hassen kerl

no odio racista

hindi mapoot rasista

no mas odio razzista

нет Одио

i have many friends from many countries, and u can learn a thing or two from them
