Fri, 07 Aug 2009, 3:52pm Opening of WLOPH? (RUMOR ONLY) lol i can't believe »
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 13 Aug 2010
Posts: 49

whether the rumor true or just wishful thinking, i'll say this, Alxyz - your argument is flawed, its only the text that has to be changed and then a recompile and who knows, chinese to philipine may be more accurate and faster than chinese to english
the most logical argument for there not being is the fact the last version, hosted by america is termed international... hence saving from tracking dozens of country dependant versions

still I agree on price of IM items, they are stupid, sure the game does term that you have to be 18+ to play and hence likely working... but its still targetting the rich, realistic pricing and they might actually sell more things and hence make more...
