Sun, 14 Jun 2009, 4:36pm For-Hire Alchemist »
Registered: Jun, 2009
Last visit: Tue, 16 Jun 2009
Posts: 1

You guys should consider yourselves extremely lucky for the amount that you pay for compounded stuff much less IM stuff as well. Taurus server is really just full blown out of control when pricing is concerned.

A Beast Fork Box set in Taurus is about 7-8million plus and trying to find someone who sells it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Most of them trade IM stuff with OTHER IM stuff and not always sell them for cash. Red Dragon Gown is selling for almost 2 over million. Strong Scrolls 2-3.5 million etc etc etc.

It's a real pity that our prices are just rediculously high when at one point things were a lot cheaper.

If your complaining of high prices on other servers, let me tell you that nothing compares to the Taurus server; at least from my standpoint anyway.
