Fri, 05 Jun 2009, 5:04am helping w/ any compound^^out of »
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Mon, 24 Jan 2011
Posts: 31

dark helmet + propeller with superior is 100% sure titanium sword

and gray steel bracers can't be made with titanium sword + red jade necklace
as gray steel bracers is titanium and not titanium/jade

so if you want to compound gray steel bracers, either use titanium sword + titanium sword (superior) or titanium sword + red jade necklace (junior)

anyway, i never make it as its not worth it, fails too much. Jade helmet is a lot easier when you have superior. Result is either jade helmet or a common stone :D

Gargoyle - lvl 167 rb Water Knight
Totsuku - lvl 148 rb Wind Seer
Cthulhu - lvl 145 rb Fire Killer
Totsuka - lvl 117 rb Wind Knight
Graveler - lvl 107 rb Earth Warrior
Bloodclaw - lvl 100 rb Fire Wit
