Wed, 03 Jun 2009, 4:01pm For ACTIVE Gm's in Leo Server (if there's any... >:[...) »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 07 Oct 2009
Posts: 251

The GM's get paid either way, they don't have to play WLO...
all they do is eat there donuts and coffee sitting behind a desk pushing pencils and papers....
if they do play WLO its on a private server, with no other people other than GM's...
Lame...GM's should be more active with community other than in just events and such (Pet battles, etc.)

*#ENHU#* lvl 57 Fire Warrior- Aries
Logain lvl 30 Fire Warrior- Aries
Mattrim lvl 32 Fire Mage- Aries
Guild: Necrosis

Enhu lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sagittarius
Cannon lvl 34 Fire (Pure INT Burster)- Sag.
Onyxia lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sag.
Maxxy lvl 28 Water (Pure WIS/INT Burster)- Sag.
Guild: (Looking for one)
