Thu, 28 May 2009, 3:36am Is It Possible To Burst Untill 110lvl++ Without REMOTE?? »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 19 Oct 2011
Posts: 331

ENHU wrote:

Even if you have e. remote and burst its pretty boring.
I suggest you have an alt and go exploring with him while your main is bursting....
I think its pretty lame if you have 4 accounts bursting with eachother...
you don't get to socialize with others tho....
but its reliable in case your team dc's

lol i have 4 accounts bursting with each other :) it beats begging in chat for a group that only wanna use your fire so they can lvl up fast and doesnt wanna help burst your earth or wind user O_O

fire killer lvl 132 rb
Fire killer lvl 128 rb
Water wit lvl 136 rb
Earth wit lvl 114 rb
