Sat, 23 May 2009, 2:31am bursting »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 24 Oct 2010
Posts: 173

All skills, stats, hp, sp gears etc will be kept, you just "drop" 99 levels from what you currently were when you rb so a lvl 100 before rb becomes a lvl 1 with class but he still has all the things he learned . Your eq WILL take damage when you rb if you fight mobs above 19 levels to you after rb.

Flood (alt 155+alt 0212 "F") 199 water
Zerg 199 fire melle
TorChick (alt 155+ 0226 "T" alt 155+ 0209 "C") 199 fire mage
M1Abrams 197 earth mage
