Fri, 22 May 2009, 7:29pm bursting »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 19 Oct 2011
Posts: 331

Flood wrote:

no, dont put weights on pets EVER cause a pet after lvl 15 at the beetles gets you shit exp, just walk to the farm and grab new ones instead of being lazy.


Bursting exp doesnt "stop" persay, just drops dramatically after lvl 180 for ALL elements, most I've seen was my water in a 3 fire team they hit 62k and it was a 2x day he saw ONLY 300 exp . Most people above 180 that still burst are either burst pet trainers OR they are helping alts/friends lvl up.

4)4 fires isnt really the best way to burst, best burst is 3 fire 1 water, fires being low speed, water fastest, low lvl slow pets (horses, cows, beetles, etc), bursting on low lvl mobs.

str- seems fine to me for your lvl, just up con to about 120-150 then go str out
con- is decent for your lvl, but up it to 120-150
int- drop that shit :D your a melle not a mage lol
wis- put wis to 42 to unlock mess (not really a usefull skill, unless you can do a 4 turn debuff fire method) most just get mess for the sp
agi- drop back down to 4 cause you won't be outrunning many quest mobs later on without 750+ speed.

i dont be on the computer all the time so i leave it on to burst or collect things and that link dont tell me what i wanna know, like if you get to keep your stats, skills that you learn and master, hp/sp that you gain and if your armors/weapons dont break if you kill monsters 19 lvls higher, cause i read somewhere that they dont break..

and i didnt mean 4 fires that came out wrong haha i got my main charactors for each element water, earth, fire and wind but i made two more fires to help me burst

i dont use those two fires for quests, so spd wont be needed but con and wis maybe since it lags alot and it enters battle before i can heal myself O_o

fire killer lvl 132 rb
Fire killer lvl 128 rb
Water wit lvl 136 rb
Earth wit lvl 114 rb
