Thu, 07 May 2009, 4:37am Instance Function FAQ »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 24 Oct 2010
Posts: 173

Instances are based off of the current server branch you are in, so if you are in aries4, you will see the aries4 instances, you can't see any other branches instances.

You Can do all the instances in one day, BUT You cant host the same instance twice in one day and you cant do the same instance twice even if you are trying to become a member of the battle.

Make sure you don't do anything while waiting for the party to fill up, cause it WILL kick you from whatever you are doing at that time (quests, pks, training, other events).

Rebirths levels count as the level they are +100, so a rb lvl 1 can do a lvl 100 required event.

Some fights require you to roam the map and actually kill the "monsters" before you can fight the final "boss".

The creatures do have seals and can do both mage and melles.

Most of the wind "bosses" will vanish if they are given the chance to do it, so better hope for a fast sealer/killer if you wish to kill the wind "bosses".

Last edited Thu, 07 May 2009, 4:46am by Flood

Flood (alt 155+alt 0212 "F") 199 water
Zerg 199 fire melle
TorChick (alt 155+ 0226 "T" alt 155+ 0209 "C") 199 fire mage
M1Abrams 197 earth mage
