Fri, 01 May 2009, 8:44am Is It Possible To Burst Untill 110lvl++ Without REMOTE?? »
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 13 Aug 2010
Posts: 91

If you have 4 accounts, build perfectly for the purpose of bursting (equal speed, required skils) and you have LOTS and LOTS of time to spend (an the patience for it) then you can manually burst to that lvl.

But remember, you'll have to cast each spell manually on 4 different accounts for a total of 8 characters.

It is possible, but it's insane to do it for more then 1 hour straight XD

d[-_-]b d[o_-]b d[o_o]b d[O_o]b d[O_O]b d[*_*]b
