Mon, 30 Mar 2009, 4:09pm Burst isn't working right »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 24 Oct 2010
Posts: 173

philidor wrote:

Her Water Thunder beating is now 18 :D only 1 more level until revive so how long should I expect her to master revive? I'll have my fire kill me and the water revive if that would work.

She's primarily an attack mage but its better to have revive mastered and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Get a pet and take it somewhere where you know it can die (a place above its lvl limit, but still somewhere were it won't be sent from a combo rape) but dont equip it with anything unless you want it broken. Get someone to team with, just a player no pet. Set e remote (if you have one) of the killer (your partner) to priority attack. Have your set (the water) be priority def and "use at the death of your party revive" and your waters pet to priority attack. Dont heal pets hp out of battle so leave pet auto supply "hp<1". Have the pet be faster the water and the killer if possible (but keep spd difference within 99 or less, so the pet doesnt loss amity if by some reason it dies scond to last turn and the partner kills the mob). Doing it with water slowest, will more then likely prevent ALL amity loss becuase the water wont be attacking he'd just be deffending until a death happens, and since its slower then the killers, it will revive AFTER killer kills, but before the battles done.

Takes 4-6 hours to max it mattering on how much the pet dies and if it can attack next turn(this is how revive levels).

Last edited Mon, 30 Mar 2009, 4:19pm by Flood

Flood (alt 155+alt 0212 "F") 199 water
Zerg 199 fire melle
TorChick (alt 155+ 0226 "T" alt 155+ 0209 "C") 199 fire mage
M1Abrams 197 earth mage
