Sat, 28 Mar 2009, 8:56pm Burst isn't working right »
Registered: Mar, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 12 Apr 2009
Posts: 173

Flood wrote:

philidor wrote:

cant the fire replace fiery attack with hot fire attack on pet since gs is more damage? Or does fiery attack need to be cast?

Also I'll hire out for a 4th member after I learn then master all debuffs.

yes, but why use more sp on a et just for it to do 3x damage, i'd rather use fiery and save 60 ish sp

Godlike wrote:

:D your the noob you dont even use mess xD 10k for a so called "155" fire
i doubt. fiery? who said i use that, i didnt even post my set up. :D

lol just having "mess" in your set up wont get more exp then slowdown and poision without being a full mess fire, i've tried it, and its a waste of sp

lol, suite yourself dude, then dont use mess. this is tips, not orders, lol, im not forcing you to use mess. lol.

r1 slowdown
r2 mess
r3 hot fiery

i think you did the set up wrong if you didnt get exp lol.
always use slowdown first turn. how do you burst anyways.
