Sat, 28 Mar 2009, 8:49pm Burst isn't working right »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 24 Oct 2010
Posts: 173

philidor wrote:

cant the fire replace fiery attack with hot fire attack on pet since gs is more damage? Or does fiery attack need to be cast?

Also I'll hire out for a 4th member after I learn then master all debuffs.

yes, but why use more sp on a et just for it to do 3x damage, i'd rather use fiery and save 60 ish sp

Godlike wrote:

:D your the noob you dont even use mess xD 10k for a so called "155" fire
i doubt. fiery? who said i use that, i didnt even post my set up. :D

lol just having "mess" in your set up wont get more exp then slowdown and poision without being a full mess fire, i've tried it, and its a waste of sp

Flood (alt 155+alt 0212 "F") 199 water
Zerg 199 fire melle
TorChick (alt 155+ 0226 "T" alt 155+ 0209 "C") 199 fire mage
M1Abrams 197 earth mage
