Sat, 28 Mar 2009, 7:32pm Burst isn't working right »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 29 Jul 2011
Posts: 224

ChaosTitan wrote:

you need a team of 4...being wind is either 2 fires and 1 water or 3 fires and yourself, you need to use warriors if you going alone

wind uses

Shield smash/speed up (to pet)/cord/coma/coma

fires use

speed up/fiery atack(to pet)/gs/atk/atk

If your bursting with a water make sure wind is slower than water
use 5 round burst because 4 rounds drops exp alot. (more assits = more exp)

cant the fire replace fiery attack with hot fire attack on pet since gs is more damage? Or does fiery attack need to be cast?

Also I'll hire out for a 4th member after I learn then master all debuffs.
