Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 9:45pm Burst isn't working right »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Wed, 24 Feb 2010
Posts: 167

you need a team of 4...being wind is either 2 fires and 1 water or 3 fires and yourself, you need to use warriors if you going alone

wind uses

Shield smash/speed up (to pet)/cord/coma/coma

fires use

speed up/fiery atack(to pet)/gs/atk/atk

If your bursting with a water make sure wind is slower than water
use 5 round burst because 4 rounds drops exp alot. (more assits = more exp)
Virgo Server
IGN: ChaosTitan - Type: Fire - Class: Wizard
IGN: ChaosT1tan - Type: Fire - Class: Assasin
IGN: DarkHealer - Type: Water - Class: Assist
IGN: InVision - Type: Earth - Class - Warrior
