Wed, 11 Mar 2009, 12:11am Taurus, Lord Gown »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 03 Aug 2011
Posts: 387

There's a fellow in my tent that says he made a Lord Gown a long time ago in Taurus and sold it for 4m +- ... some. Not sure the exact price, neither is he.

I want someone in Taurus to find the buyer.

The guy's (seller) name in zadane. Someone, please find who bought this item. I will pay you 100k (in Leo... good startup cash) if you FIND the buyer and verify the story. I'm serious, I want to know... badly.

Scour the whole server, spam world chat. If you've ever seen anyone in a Lord Gown, find out who sold it to them. I want to know. I will pay to know.

KaozReaper - for-hire Alchemist
Whitept - 14x Fire Killer
Forgotten - 11x Fire Seer (8x RB Xaolan)
TheScholar - 14x Perfect Water Priest (13x RB Niss)
Leo - UnitedLeos

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