Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 10:48am Good Old Days (>~v~)> »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

So I've kinda grown out of wonderland and I sometimes get back on to have a little fun exploring what use to be the game on my computer I had active 24/7 for an entire year back in high school. (god knows how much grinding we needed in this game)

I decided to look back at all the moments that really made me enjoy wonderland so much that it made me want to play it more and more. So I hope for the old players like me who played back in the glory days, this will be a great walk down memory lane and a way to share our love with Wonderland Online.

For me,

When I first played wlo, I didn't learn about grinding until 3 months into the game. As a result, I "MANUALLY" grinded my character to lv 18, then used the remote to grind my fire character at the chicken farm til I hit lv 32 and finally learned Hagendis Attack. That for me was one of the best moments because I felt a sense of great achievement after grinding my character for so long and finally complete one part of my skill tree for the most powerful skill there. I immediately went to kill all sorts of things with the skill, even taking on the lv80 giant corpse flower at south island, who by the way killed me so many times my favorite bronze halberd broke and made me cry so much cuz that was the first strong attack weapon I ever got.

Another best moment was my first lv 100 and reborn character. I was sooooo excited after bursting for the first time and finally got my water character to 100 that I rushed over to sb and starting begging everyone for help on the rebirth quest. (Sadly for me this was also one of my worst days on wlo because this was the first time I got royally scammed out of my snow ears and 3m g which back then was considered A LOT) But awesomely for me, after someone heard what had happened to me, they offered to help me for completely free and got me my water wit. To this day that character still remains my favorite in terms of personal importance.

If we're talking about favorite overall however, its my Flamebrag character. He was the first character I had with a pet that was more worth putting into battles than my actual characters. I gave him a Niss (Alice) that currently sits at rebirth lv 90 and has 630 int, 340 con, 220 wis, and has a +44 polar ultima with sea dimaond. she has over 4k matk and can one-shot any target while hf'ed on floor 14 of the 20 round challenge (martians). she has over close to 6k hp and is my most proud achievement here on wlo. The rush I felt when I finally got her up to this point made me so happy and I enjoyed wlo so much because of it. I was finally able to do rebirth quest for myself in only 1 hour. less if she crits most of the time.

Definitely a great walk down memory lane... (TvT) tears of joy

What about everyone else?
