Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 4:40am Possible Scam? »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 11 Jun 2009
Posts: 186

Chances are that if something sounds like a scam, it is a scam.
Considering I've never heard of IGG giving the option of 'gifting' points to other players, I doubt there is any way to transfer points to some one else. My advice: Don't do it. But if you're set on trying (either for the points or to prove it's a scam), maybe you should:
Step 1. Ask them to prove it by giving just one IM point.
Step 2. Since it's probably a scam, they'll use an excuse. Like 'it costs real money for even just one point.'
Step 3. Explain that if their 'business' is real, that would be solid proof it's not a scam, and that then they would get more 'customers.'
Step 4. By now they're probably pulling every excuse out of their sorry a**. Walk away and warn others of the scam.

-Excuses may include:
"You can't transfer just one point, it has to be (fill in the blank) or more."
"I have IM stuff, isn't that enough proof?"
"It's not letting me do it right now, I think you have to pay me first."
"You don't trust me?"

Guy 1: "Hey, see that car?"
Guy 2: "What car?"

ign = Kazura
Server = Cancer 2
Element = Fire
