Sun, 03 May 2015, 1:00am A Proper Team »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

I have no idea what the prices are for IM's are on Pisces considering I'm taurus and the prices here are somewhat inflated, so you're gonna have to ask someone else on that. I think the IM's I would sell are beast/spirit forks, SS, saddles, and just buy a few extra tons and sell those. Lots of people want tons.

For Earth and every other element except fire the main idea is to use as many support moves as possible. considering you're doing the regular burst style with water's shrink, I would go with this setup:

(If i don't specify who to use the skill on, assume its the enemy)

Earth Moves:
turn 1 - terrification
turn 2 - tree bind
turn 3 - sheild defence ur pet (u can make this stone wall first so you can level it up to skill level 10 then switch to sheild defence)
turn 4 - Blockage
turn 5 - tree bind (it really doesn't matter what move you use, just so long as it seals them, it gives the same amount of exp as terrification)

turn 1 - Shrink
turn 2 - Water Shield your pet/Soul Drain (water sheild gives you more exp in total but soul drain is good so you can save on mana items)
turn 3 - freeze
turn 4 - sleep
turn 5 - shrink

turn 1 - slowdown
turn 2 - poison
turn 3 - Hot fire attack on self
turn 4 - Hagendis Hit/DS or strongest attack move at the time
turn 5 - same thing as turn 4

Wind: (I know you're not making one but always good to have extra knowledge)
turn 1 - sheild smash
turn 2 - speedup on pet
turn 3 - cord spell
turn 4 - coma spell
turn 5 - sheild smash

Hope this helps and if you want I can give you another team build but this time with a wind instead of earth unit

Last edited Sun, 03 May 2015, 3:26am by BladeEgde
