Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 10:25am "Online Games" »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Wed, 24 Feb 2010
Posts: 167

Endless Online
A 2d game that makes you think your stoned 24/7. stopped at lvl 28. (its so hard to lvl in that game, lvl 20+ was considered expert)
Secret of the Solstice
3d/2d mmorpg it can be very very fun, but the never-ending grinding became poitless after a while (stopped at lvl 77, 3 lvls before class change x_X)
WIII - Dota
Very vert popular in South Africa and played religiously here.
and about 3 others i cant think of now XD

Virgo Server
IGN: ChaosTitan - Type: Fire - Class: Wizard
IGN: ChaosT1tan - Type: Fire - Class: Assasin
IGN: DarkHealer - Type: Water - Class: Assist
IGN: InVision - Type: Earth - Class - Warrior
