Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 12:30am "Online Games" »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 07 Jan 2012
Posts: 502

Angels Online
Nice game, but it is a little simple, less freedom.
Because you can only have one job.

Tales Of Pirates
Nice game, but kinda boring, especially quests.

The most awesome game, but a lot of risks. A very untrustable game. It has a lot of cheaters, scammers and hackers. Because my firewall alarmed me very regular, when I play GunZ. It doesn't give me enough to play safe as IGG games.

Just a good game. I stop to play, because it is a limited game, especially for gamers who can't afford to have a membership. I already completed everything in free world. I have been played in the member world, but not for very long.

World of Warcraft
Been played, but it is too expensive, so I didn't play longer than 1 month.

I am also planning to play other IGG games, but I think I am satisfied enough with Wonderland Online.
