Thu, 18 Dec 2014, 11:29pm [Game] What if... »
Kev☆ ~
Registered: Dec, 2013
Last visit: Thu, 16 Jan 2020
Posts: 1007

I would freeze myself and tell someone to unfreeze me once the internet is back xD
okay no, um...I'll have a bunch of games that doesn't require internet already installed before that happens.

If you have a chance to 3D print something or anything, what would it be? The size is only going to be like 10 cm by 10 cm max.

Leo Server:
Main Team: Killerkev, iluvkev, ChibiKev, KevyKev. (All rb at lvl 199)
Burst Teams: KeyCey, KeyCay, KayCey, KayCay. (All rb at lvl 180)
Others: ilovekev, xKev. (Non-rb)
Just Me~

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MyAnimeList c:
