Express or Trade? & Not Enough Online Time, Free Training Ticket. « General Discussion « WLO Gameplay
Thu, 24 Mar 2011, 10:30am #1
Registered: Mar, 2011
Last visit: Tue, 23 Oct 2012
Posts: 66

Express or Trade?

In expressing items, you need to have Expressing Pets
Expressing Pets:
Shiba Inu
Persian Cat
Tabby Cat
Note: In Expressing..
Time: 30 Seconds per Express ( Stack or Pieces)
Limit: 5 Slots (5 Stacks , 5 Pieces)

Is it needed to Express in a slow motion? or just Trade just by some seconds and you only need be near a player you'll trade into?
Express Answers:
1. So when We are far from a Player, We can just Express it
2. So when We are Manufacturing, We can just Express it
3. So when We are doing Quest, We can just Express it ( So the quest won't be bothered)
4. So when We need to go or need to AFK ( Away From Keyboard ), We can just Express it ( So We can go without getting Bothered when We really need to go)
5. So when We are in Events, We can just Express it ( So We will be still in the Event Area and Will not need any More walk )
6. So when We are in places like Voyage Map, Moon, or any place with use of Vehicles, We can just Express it
7 or more Theories? Just Reply

Problem 1:Oh No! I don't have a Expressing Pet!
Answer1: Catch one
But I really Need to go!
= Let the Express be done later
= Reply a suggest

Problem 2:Oh No! I am in the Voyage Map! But don't have a PET!
Answer3-6:= Let the Express be done later
= Reply a suggest

But the most likely answer is:
1.Just trade the item if you are in Areas you don't really need to stay very long.
2.Just Go to Carnie

If you Don't have any answers in your problem..
Problems:(Some are caused by not having a Express Pet)
1. I'm in Voyage Map!
2. I don't have expressing pet!
3. I'm in a Event Area!
4. I'm in a Quest!
5. I Got to Go!
6. I Can't Go to Carnie ( Thats a problem XD )
7. More and more problems
My Suggestion: Just Trade or Express it later when you have time and when you are really really free

Express or Trade? =D

Well Even if you choose Express or Trade.
The only answer is:
1.It Depends if you have express pet or not
2.It Depends if you are busy or not busy
3.It Depends on your character problems
4.It Depends of the color of the day
5.It Depends on your availability

No Express Pet: Catch one
Problem : Busy? Do it LATER!

In Places and can't Trade!
Problem : Because Busy? Do it LATER!

Can't Trade because not Level 10?
Answer: Just level up and train

Not Enough Online Time?
Answer: Just be online and do quests for your alt or worker while the your online time is not yet enough!. After some Hour( Easy )<-> Days ( Normal )<-> *Month ( Get real because the cause is you don't online much or you have a problem on your character ) *

Problem: Online every hour and day but still not enough online
Answer: Talk to 24/7 , tell them your problem ( Problem: I can't trade or drop items even if I am online every hour or days ) <-> And ask for Help ( You'll know what help you'll ask for.

My Answer: Usually when I am tired to ask for help at 24/7.. I make new characters and level it up!

Now my leveling up strategy is by using Buzz Gifts
Buzz Gifts: Training Ticket, Fire Panda Voucher, 50pcs of Hams = 1 Stack
How to get?
You can get this items by filling up Buzz Code when making a new account
Note: In taking the gifts, You should make your first character the you really desire cause the buzz gift will be on the first character you made
What this Helps?
It helps leveling up a character whether if alt, main, burst slave, helping alt, or any character you want to level up.
It even helps you to be upgraded in a slow and tired leveling

Whats the Buzz Code? =D
Buzz Code:15293065

Also, You can use any valid Buzz Code that you know.
I Suggest After filling your account with a Buzz Code
Sign up also as a Buzz member
So when you buy points!
you can get an additional Credits.

You can get the Buzz gift that contains training items at Tuesday or next tuesday .

Last edited Thu, 24 Mar 2011, 10:47am by Clasheon

Virgo : Chars :


Clashion Water Main
Clasheon Fire
Clashian Earth
Clashareus Fire
Clashy Wind
Clashiar Fire
Chant Fire Seller
WillClash Wind Compounder

Buzz Code : 15293065 :
Enter Buzz Codes in your new account when making it! And the first character you made will earn leveling rewards!


Training Tickets, Fire Panda Voucher,50HAMs (Coming in Tuesday)

100% Burst Combo Formula:


just copy paste =D and connect 53558 and &page=1 like this 53558&page=1 &page=1
