Wolf Tooth Compounds « Compounding & Manufacturing « WLO Gameplay
Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 8:05am #1
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 13 Aug 2010
Posts: 91

I've compounded a few stacks of Wolf Tooth with each other (=wolf tooth + wolf tooth).

And got some of the following stuff that isnt in the current compound list for "Wolf Tooth" at the moment, perhaps they can be added?

Wolf Tooth + Wolf Tooth =
- Rattlesnake's Tail (primary -16)
- Lei Dragon Thigh (primary -12)
- Bee Spine (primary -18)
- Angry Skeleton (primary -11)
- Beast Bone (primary -16)
- Eagle Claw (primary -15)
- Dinosaur Bone (primary -13)
- Scorpion Thorn (primary -15)
- Claw (primary -18)
- Chameleon Tongue (primary -15)
- Dragon Spine (primary -10)
- Snake Tooth (primary)
- Bird Claw (primary -14)
- Drowcrusher Tooth (priamry -11)

Resutl of compounding 100 Wolf Tooth
- 3x Scorpion Thorn
- 3x Rattlesnake's Tail
- 3x Lei Dragon Thigh
- 3x Bee Spine
- 4x Angry Skeleton
- 4x Dinosaur Bone
- 3x Eagle Claw
- 3x Beast Bone
- 3x Dragon Squama
- 6x Bear King Claw
- 2x Wing Claw
- 2x Claw
- 3x Dinosaur Tooth
- 1x Chameleon Tongue
- 1x Fire Dragon Claw
- 1x Dragon Spine
- 1x Snake Tooth
- 3x Bird Claw
- 1x Drowcrusher Tooth

My Primary Alchemy is lvl 10,40

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Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 8:56am #2
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 17 Jan 2009
Posts: 49

you can add them....but they are sure very many o.o...

Character Name:DeathStar
Server Branch:Aries 4
Element and Job:Fire Killer Prequisite
Motto: So What If I am Pink? That Just Make Me a Real Guy That is Brave Enough To Face Shame and Fear

Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 9:56am #3
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 13 Aug 2010
Posts: 91

Aha, sweet, guess I'll add them soon.

I'll be doing some more compounding later on, perhaps some more items can be obtained by compounding them together ^^

I'll at least compound another 100 teeth, that way I have 100 compound results total, and it's easier to get an understanding of wich items come most :)

EDIT: I've added them all, but I can't seem to change the "question box" into a green "accept", maybe somebody can do it?

Last edited Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 10:14am by WolfSoul

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Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 3:13pm #4
Registered: Sep, 2008
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wolfsoul, since it seems like you have lots of dedication to compouding i'll add you to the compound/recycle admin list. you can now confirm your own compounds.

either click the question mark or edit them. there is now a confirmed checkbox when you create compounds.

you can search by your username to find other compounds you created if you watn to confirm those.

happy compounding!

Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 3:27pm #5
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 17 Jan 2009
Posts: 49

o.o nice...

Character Name:DeathStar
Server Branch:Aries 4
Element and Job:Fire Killer Prequisite
Motto: So What If I am Pink? That Just Make Me a Real Guy That is Brave Enough To Face Shame and Fear

Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 4:26pm #6
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 13 Aug 2010
Posts: 91

Thanks Scott, I'll confirm my compounds, and check some of the other compounds on the list.

I usually compound a few stacks of each item I get during farming/lvling to see what comes out of two of the same items.

I'll add some more basic compounds soon :)

EDIT: My main is currently lvling at the wolves in south pole, so I'll be compounding the stuff they drop, being: Wolf Tooth, Beast Bone, Beast Fur and Wolf Fur.

I've just compounded 200 beast bones with each other and added the results to the compound list here, wolf fur will be next (don't know if I'm going to do beast fur :)).

I also added some beast bone recycles to the recycle list.

Last edited Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 5:22pm by WolfSoul

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Thu, 25 Dec 2008, 11:43pm #7
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 17 Jan 2009
Posts: 49

woohoo >.>..now the item database will be flocking wiht items XD..thats a good thing

Character Name:DeathStar
Server Branch:Aries 4
Element and Job:Fire Killer Prequisite
Motto: So What If I am Pink? That Just Make Me a Real Guy That is Brave Enough To Face Shame and Fear
