S> Various EQ « Aries Marketplace « Aries
Fri, 03 Dec 2010, 10:09am #1
Registered: Nov, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 05 Apr 2020
Posts: 495

Hi guys Shio21 here just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still selling equipment as much as I possibly can with what little Hawaii Materials I have left. You can either post here if you want something special made or mail my main Shio21 or Visit my Selling Alt Claudesan on Aries 1 Carnie With the Store Titled (music note)RandomEQ^^(music note).

I mainly sell these items and at these prices i sell

Steel Thorn Bracers: +22 Atk Lv 44 16K
Bloody War Boots: +20 Atk Lv 40 18K
Copper Hairwear: +10 Atk +6 Spd LV 32(was 5k will Change to 3.5k)
Thorn Suit: +16 Def +4 Atk Lv 40 8k
Star Cap: +18 Matk +20 Sp Lv 40 18K
Magic Gloves: +20 Matk Lv 40 16k
Giant Demon Gloves: +22 Matk Lv 44 18k
Water Boots +13 Matk +7 Spd Lv 40 10k
Bronze Boots +15 Spd +7 Def lv 44 5k
And others

I have atm a RedBell Headband +28+4 Spd +10+4 Atk Insert Yellow Diamond and I'm Selling for 1.4m mail me or Write on my Blackboard Or even Post here your best offer.

I know some of my prices may be high but Consider the Materials I put in to make em. I'm an honest salesman and I really hate to bring up my prices because of resellers. I wont lie and to prove it i will tell you where all the gold will go towards. All the gold That I may get from selling all these Items will go towards buying Alchemy Books for Higher Lv EQ, Training Vouchers to lv up My GF, Pet Lethe Scrolls, Lottery Tickets, and VIP Cards for the Hawaii items that I will Buy.

Thanks guys for reading and have a nice day! ^^

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your Character is what you are and your reputation is merely what other people think of you. Live free and Strong and seize every moment, you never
know when its your last.
Some people are born under lucky stars, some people are born under stars of misfortune...but no matter which star I was born under Be assured that i will never give up.- Seiya
My topic for Earth burst without water
My topic for Wind burst without water
My Cuss Burst Topic
Working on a build topic its been brought to a halt since i cant find the copy i made before my comp died.
Click spoiler for Guilds joined, Server, and Accounts.


Guilds joined.


Gf Accs:
Cheryl lv 122 RB water Knight w/ lv 82 rb Qlaya
StarDust5 lv 122 RB fire Killer w/ lv 85 rb Shasha

Shio21 Lv 120 Fire Killer W/ lv 92 RB magellan

Ryuenjin lv 122 Wit/syrup maker w/ LV 75 RB Roca
Kyoshinto lv 89 Wind Atk knight 2.9k hp 1.5k+ spd
SaintShio lv 85 water mage knight w/ Lv 68 Rb xao
Caleb21 lv 87 earth mage knight w/ lv 50 Rb Qlaya
Claudesan lv 40 Fire collector/seller no burst ever

Server Taurus
SRXRyusei lv 36 Fire (future killer)
SRXAya Lv 40 Water (future mage knight)
SRXMai lv 35 Fire (Future wit)
SRXRai lv 15 Earth (future earth knight)
