I Need Advice; 8-12 store « Compounding & Manufacturing « WLO Gameplay
Mon, 11 Jun 2012, 5:26pm #1
Registered: Jun, 2012
Last visit: Tue, 04 Sep 2012
Posts: 26

Alright so I've been grooming a character of mine to become an alchemist and her
superior is almost 10 (should be by the end of today). I think its about time I started compounding things. My only problem is I have no mats. So I was thinking I'd get a VIP
card. ( Does anyone know how much those sell for?? in leo) And once I got this VIP card I'd go buy all the raw mats I need from the 8-12 store so I don't have to go back for awhile. So my questions are:
)How much gold should I save up to get the VIP card, and then how much do I need to save up to go to the 8-12 store and comfortably buy all the mats I need to. (exe: 4-5m??)
) About how many stacks of what mats should I get? Depending on usefulness and how often they appear in compounding. (exe: get about 7 stacks of refined gold but only about 2 stacks of refined tin because you won't need much tin.)
) Are there stacks of mats I will need for compounding that I can't get at the 8-12 store? I've seen ppl with stacks of air plane parts.
Lastly any advice You'd care to spare regarding materials and alchemy?
Much thanks. :D


Mon, 11 Jun 2012, 6:20pm #2
Registered: Oct, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 15 Dec 2013
Posts: 155

i dont know about the prices of a vip card,but i do know there is a chance to get one free,in game.i found mine in a colored box.sadly tho,i dont recall exactly which one.perhaps u could try that before using real money.alyshaa has a topic on the box locations and contents

black and bloo

Mon, 11 Jun 2012, 7:36pm #3
Registered: Jun, 2012
Last visit: Tue, 04 Sep 2012
Posts: 26

I read the one you get from the boxes are 10% as opposed to 50% but Thank you, I'll go ahead and do some of those quests to pass time.


Mon, 11 Jun 2012, 7:45pm #4
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 05 Apr 2024
Posts: 487

well vip cards in leo are sold for 2-2.2 m but its better if u get it from coloured boxes, my friend had to try like 5 chars to get the vip card. i advice u to get alot of fine grass / fine golden rose because in leo market these days u need these 2 items alot.
after u have all of ur mats, egypt wep seller is ur best friend, as the rest of mats u need are there, always before compounding the 8-12 store mats, check if u can substitute on of the mat with those from egypt, u know cheaper.

well guess that's it. and start making high rank items from lvl 10 super or higher, its more safe


would be nice to have you guys on fb too :D

Mon, 11 Jun 2012, 8:26pm #5
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

I also do not know the prices if items in leo.

As for the card you have a random chance to get a free one from revival island by doing the crab quest. talk to the man sitting next to a statue near the volcano. you will need to make a couple alts or any characters you have and try for a card.

all items comes up to about 2mil but you should have some left over you don't need to buy all the items if i were to make a list i'd say you should get;
Fine Grass 2-3 stacks - 2400g (120k per stack) 60k per stack with card
Refined Gold 2 stacks - 4000g (200k per stack) 100k per with card
Fine crystal 1-2 stack - 3500g (175k per stack) 87.5k per with card
Fine Golden Rose 2-4 stacks - 1500g (75k per) 37.5 with card
Magic Crystal Powder 2-3 stacks - 3500g (175k per) 87.5 with
Fine Leaf 2-3 stacks 2500g (125k per) 62.5k with
Fine Nylon 1-3 stacks 1700g (85k per) 42.5k with
Fine Log 1 stack 2400g (120k per) 60k with
Refined White Silvery 1-2 stacks - 3500g (175k per) 87.5k with
Yueyi Rock 0-1 stacks - 2400g (120k per) 60k with
Fine Feather 2-3 stacks 3200g (160k per) 80k with
Refined Silver 1-2 stacks 3800g (190k per) 90k with
Refined Titanium 0-1 stack 3700g (185k per) 92.5 with
Refined Hematite 1 stack 3300g (165k per) 82.5k with
Fine Hide 1-2 3200g (160k per) 80k with

Refined Tin 3400g (reason; buy forest staff from egypt 610g)
Delicate leather 1400g (reason; buy deamon gloves from egypt 610g)

Fine log is debateable cause you can also manufacture rank 19(wooden pedals) ,20(propeller) and 21(veritcal wing) wood. but you should still buy 1 stack or for compounding with the other rank 18 mats
Yueyi Rock there is only about 1 item right now thats made with the rock maybe later more items will be but atm i don't see it worth it so prolly back 1/2 or 1 stack and keep in storage for if you ever need it one day.
Refined Titanium i'd just get none or 1 stack because you can go to bangkok and get wolf bracers - 560g instead. compound with anything rank 16 like purple jade for example and rank it up to rank 19 (defence armour) or 20 (dark helmet)
Refined Hematite most pure iron you can get from temple instance. so i'd just get 1 or 2 stacks since not many good things are made and most stuff are high lvl so better to use twin swords depending on what you need to make... also refined hem is used in manufacturing.

calculate how many you think you'll be buying and you can get n idea of how muck mony you need

when buying buy from 1 shelf at a time get all the items you need and fill up the space. VIP card works with 1 shelf each so you save card useage. don't go around getting 1 stack here or 2 stack there make sure you know how many you need and fill slots you have 10 space.

i was going to say somthing else but geh i forgot.. if i remember i'll add.

http://wlodb.com/files/fonni_sig.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/273/861/b12.gif
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