People From my school « General Discussion « WLO Gameplay
Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 5:56pm #1
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 07 Oct 2009
Posts: 251

Funny story...
Amy got me to play, I got 1 friend to play, then he got anotehr friend to play.....and it just goes on and on and on....
now about 8 ppl from my school play WL...

*#ENHU#* lvl 57 Fire Warrior- Aries
Logain lvl 30 Fire Warrior- Aries
Mattrim lvl 32 Fire Mage- Aries
Guild: Necrosis

Enhu lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sagittarius
Cannon lvl 34 Fire (Pure INT Burster)- Sag.
Onyxia lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sag.
Maxxy lvl 28 Water (Pure WIS/INT Burster)- Sag.
Guild: (Looking for one)

Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 4:44am #2
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Fri, 21 Aug 2020
Posts: 289

great XD i hope they ll continue playing. hmm so you Gave em your buzz link right? thats why i said i hope they ll continue playing :D

Server: Cancer

Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 6:50am #3
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 24 Oct 2010
Posts: 173

So... at least you got some rl friends that play the game, maybe they can help you train and quest, since they are in the same time zone and probably live near you. :P I only got my brother (rarely plays) and my gf (also rarely plays).

Flood (alt 155+alt 0212 "F") 199 water
Zerg 199 fire melle
TorChick (alt 155+ 0226 "T" alt 155+ 0209 "C") 199 fire mage
M1Abrams 197 earth mage

Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 2:11pm #4
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Mon, 15 Oct 2012
Posts: 375

ENHU wrote:

Funny story...
Amy got me to play, I got 1 friend to play, then he got anotehr friend to play.....and it just goes on and on and on....
now about 8 ppl from my school play WL...
yea i've dragged in lots of people e_e i call it 'Spreading the Cold' o.o

I do Maintenance work on WLODB. As such i don't actively post,
So PM me if needed.

IGN: Zarrow
Serv: leo 3 and 1
"Everything begins and ends with zero..."
(MGO) 16 Ex fox, ranked 7th best in the world at Team Sneaking, Not bad eh? Thanks to JayC for this signature <3

He is one who, without a second thought, slays the foe that stands before him. He does not deny, nor is ashamed of, his demon-possessed arm. He accepts the fact that the demon that dwells within him, at any moment, could destroy him. And he endures, even in the midst of the excruciating pain caused by Kazan Syndrome...

To those who choose the path of the Berserker, unimaginable strength is bestowed; however, embracing such a destiny comes with an acceptance that one’s life will end painfully and tragically. Tombstones throughout the continent mark the final resting place of Berserkers who were all unparalleled in battle but met harrowing ends. One by one, they a withering flame into thin air. Even given vast demonic energy, the Berserker is still a prisoner to the limits of the human body. Though they appear to fear nothing, even they cannot divest themselves of the most basic and human of feelings. They still desire to live.

Awakening into a Hell Bringer may grant them even more power, but it quickens the strangling coils of mortality. The Hell Bringers are known for their endless pursuit of vitality. By absorbing the blood of other creatures, their drink in their vital power. However, the more power gained, the more intense their own candle of life burns, bringing them ever closer to their ill-fated deaths.


Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 5:06pm #5
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 07 Oct 2009
Posts: 251

No, I didnt give them my Buzz Code.
I didnt know about that until AFTER they joined...
and I know that they wont buy IM items for a long time, or maybe never.

*#ENHU#* lvl 57 Fire Warrior- Aries
Logain lvl 30 Fire Warrior- Aries
Mattrim lvl 32 Fire Mage- Aries
Guild: Necrosis

Enhu lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sagittarius
Cannon lvl 34 Fire (Pure INT Burster)- Sag.
Onyxia lvl 34 Fire (Pure STR Burster)- Sag.
Maxxy lvl 28 Water (Pure WIS/INT Burster)- Sag.
Guild: (Looking for one)
