Payback system - Can't sell item? Don't worry! Tell me :D I help you « Virgo Marketplace « Virgo
Mon, 01 Sep 2014, 6:03pm #1
Registered: Aug, 2014
Last visit: Tue, 23 Dec 2014
Posts: 2

Payback system is simple:

You: Ehh ... I again did not sell the garage ... And what do I do? I think I know! Write to him how there ... Setharin ...

Me (Setharin): You want to sell a garage but do not have a buyer no? You could not find better! Give me the right to declare a chat that I have to sell * garage *, which in fact I did not get to you, but you have it. I can really find a buyer quickly.

You: Okay, but how the merchant will know who to turn to after this?

Me: That's not complicated, it gives the merchant your name and he will contact you by writing my nickname. Then you definitely know that I sent you and haggle him up. When you sell the desired object I get from you the percentage of sold price, of course, dependent on the value of the course:

Pricing percentage:

EQ (from level 40 to 80) - 2%
EQ (from level 80 and above) - 3%
Furniture (the tent) - 3%
Valuable items (such as: Book 1,2,3,4 and other such) - 5%
Pet (caught only level 1!) - 2%

Me: If you are familiar certainly also need to know one thing: If the buyer decides not to buy anything from you that I do not take, only looking away and you are not lossy at this!
So I think the case and ...

You: But advantageous offer! Please, you have the right to sell the garage and I look forward to the results of>, <

So if you read this, I'm sure you know how it works :)

The offer is valid all the time, until you stop playing the Virgo ... Just kidding: D I will not stop :)

Proposal and suggestions, please contact the following theme here, and for those willing to please know that

I must write to whisper or mail to player Setharin :), if i offline write mail :)

Last edited Mon, 01 Sep 2014, 7:54pm by Setharin
