Mon, 05 Mar 2012, 1:47am [Guide] Dark's How to Price your own Items for Sell »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 563

Funny thing is that you can calculate how much it takes to make it. Then you can figure out what the going profit rate is for your server. Then you will know how much to charge.

Sadly just like real life in WLo people want more and more profit from the items they sell and as prices go up profit rates do too. So it is a vicious circle that can quickly spin out of control until the server is so expensive that everyone just makes thier own items since it is so much cheaper than buying them.

When Leo hits about 120% for profit rate I am sure I will have to close down my alchemy shop. As I will not be able to support a whole server compounding all the time XD

-- dark
