I'm sure lots of you have noticed the site has been getting bogged down a lot lately. The initial memory of 512M has not been enough with all the hits since version 3.0 and since every page is dynamically generated from the database.

This has unfortunately also doubled the cost from $40/month to $80/month. If you want to help support the site please visit the sponsor links under the menu or if you find the site useful you can donate through paypal. I'll put up the donate button tomorrow since my test site is down at the moment for some maintenance. Thanks to all who have supported the site so far! I will finish some of the updates very soon as I am now back from Thanksgiving break.

If you notice the site is unavailable at any time the next couple days it is probably me tweaking some settings to see what works best with the additional 512M of RAM. Check back in 30 seconds or so and the site should be back up.